Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ralegan Siddhi, the village that Anna Hazare transformed from poverty to plenty!

 What Anna Hazare Achieved in Ralegan Siddhi

I chanced upon a publication dated 1992 in the godowns of the place where I work. It is an English language publication, a thin hardcover book brought out by Ganesh and Vasudha Pangare for INTACH, on the achievements of Anna Hazare in transforming his village, Ralegan Siddhi, from a degraded poor village into a green prosperous oasis. 

Ralegan Siddhi is located in the heart of a drought prone area of Ahmednagar District in the Deccan plateau of Maharashtra state of India. The book was produced to document the villagers' effort to find solutions to their own problems under the leadership of Anna Hazare. 

I also found a few copies of the Hindi version. A total of 98 copies were found (mostly English, some in Hindi), priced at Rs.175/- (about $4.00). The authors introduce the book as a 'comprehensive study of perhaps India's most successful revolution that transformed a derelict village from poverty to plenty...within a few years entirely through community effort and local leadership'. Very important reading. Can be procured from INTACH by emailing at publication@intach.org
Entry made by Bela Butalia

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